Randy's Tobago 2007 Trip
In the following pages you can read about my scuba trip to Tobago which took place from 23Feb2007 through 4Mar2007. Five of us flew from Los Angeles to Tobago to dive from Peter Hughes' Wind Dancer. |
Ian Flemming's House
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Summary We were lucky to have virtually nothing go wrong in our travel plans. Delta did pretty much hork up our flight, but that was resolved by switching to Continental. Diving was so-so with one or two dives in extremely poor conditions. When we went over to Speyside conditions improved dramatically. We didn't see any mantas or hammerhead; mostly standard Caribbean fare. Water temperatures varied from a low of 78 Suunto degrees to a high of 82 Suunto degrees. Sometimes the thermoclines were pretty entertaining, similar in effect to the haloclines in the cenotes. If you're cold you can move up a few feet and see a 4 degree jump temperature. We also saw a lot of shimmering and visual distortion in the thermoclines. Most of the dives were 81 Suunto degrees. Nice. Unfortunately for the crew of Wind Dancer, several of those on
board had been diving on other Peter Hughes' boats. Many of us
dived from the Sun Dancer. Comparing the two experiences I
think all agreed that the Wind Dancer definitely rated below the Sun
Dancer. The crew consisted of great people, the food was great
but some of the little things you expect from Peter Hughes were
missing. I think with very little effort from Peter Hughes the
boat can hit his standards. If you were considering a trip on
the Wind Dancer I would not let this alone stop you from going. So-so diving, less than great service and yet I had a great time. The reason is pretty simple. When it came to dive buddies we hit a home run. Every person on the boat was fun to be with. If not for the shear fun of diving and being on board with such a great group of people I probably would have returned home disappointed. And to those of you on the boat that put up with me and my antics, I am eternally grateful for your promise of "What happens in Tobago STAYS in Tobago!" Many thanks to my dive buddies on this trip: For more information on how we got there, the diving and the boat follow the links below.
What did YOU leave in Tobago? I was feeling very fiftyish when I realized I left a pair of trunks and a finger spool on the boat. Andy left his camera video cable hooked up to the TV. Ron admitted to leaving some trunks on the boat. Somebody left THESE at the "Villa". And Luka admitted that he left his 3 mil wetsuit hanging up on the deck. Some of us seem to recall Luka doing this once before? I suddenly feel not so fiftyish. |